The man’s a billionaire. He has a beautiful wife, five children, a home that looks like a Mediterranean castle, and he loves to golf and could spend most of his time playing it—on his own courses to boot. So what would motivate him to risk assassination—he’s the target of at least two known attempts—the constant lawfare of the corrupt Biden regime and the endless smears by the hopelessly biased mainstream press? Why not just live out his golden years in style and rest on his very considerable laurels?
Joe Biden endlessly prattled on that it was his outrage over the 2017 “Unite the Right” Charlottesville rally that compelled him to run, but it was never particularly believable because he used the thoroughly debunked “very fine people” argument as his main motivator. That was the lie that Trump publicly sympathized with white supremacists and neo-Nazis, which of course he did not.
But at the Conservative Political Action Conference 2025 on Saturday in National Harbor, Maryland (on the outskirts of Washington, D.C.), Trump said he had a very compelling reason to run again after he controversially lost the 2020 election to Mumbles Biden.
It was the invasion at our southern border, which Joe did less than nothing to stop. […]
President Trump says the illegal invasion made him run again:
“I couldn’t stand it, these people come in from jails and… gang members being dropped off in buses … So, I said, ‘I’m going to run for president again.’ Now we don’t have that problem.”
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) February 22, 2025
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