(Townhall)—The Young Turks’ Ana Kasparian appears amazed by the Democratic Party’s ever-growing list of embarrassing antics. It caused her to leave the party. To recap, she was sexually assaulted by a homeless man while walking her dog, and when she complained about it, her supposed friends attacked her for shining a terrible light on the hobo community.
She has been marching to her drum, still left leaning but not insane. She hates the identitarian virus that’s infected the Left. She doesn’t and never will cave to the science fiction that biological males are women. And her shooting inside the ship continues, especially after the Democrats’ antics during President Trump’s joint address to Congress.
The bingo signs and disruptions were all embarrassing tantrums of a party that’s lost. Both parties have learned from this, though only one seems destined to repeat it right now: it’s not enough to be the “anti” party. John Kerry was the anti-Bush, whereas Mitt Romney was the anti-Obama—both lost their presidential bids.
Democrats’ only message is ‘we hate Trump. And Elon is a Nazi.’ It’s not resonating. Despite 76 percent of voters viewing the speech favorably, they sat and never clapped for anything. It hits on Kasparian’s observation that she doesn’t need a script to outline what she feels in the way national Democrats need because they’re abjectly stupid. She noted this is part of the problem: they’re beyond out of touch. The progressive commentator also said that every time she sees the Democrats do something, a little bit of her dies inside.
Ms. Kasparian, welcome to the party. I know you don’t want the invitation, but we’ve long suffered under the authoritarian yoke of Democratic Party insanity.
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