The Left-wing resistance continues to extend to the courts.
Judges all over the United States are now acting outside of their jurisdiction in striking down nationwide action by the White House on the basis of temporary restraining orders. This was never a part of the American legal landscape until about 1960. There is still no clear Supreme Court precedent as to whether a district court judge can enjoin entire national policies based on a local case that’s being brought in some far-flung federal jurisdiction.
Now, U.S. District Judge Ana Reyes of Washington, D.C., has barred the Trump administration from ousting transgendered people from the military.
I was unaware there is a federal right to serve in the military. In fact, there is no federal right to serve in the military. There’s a whole range of conditions that bar people from serving in the military, ranging from depression to obesity.
The judge said in her opinion, “The Court’s opinion is long, but its premise is simple. In the self-evident truth that ‘all people are created equal,’ all means all. Nothing more. And certainly nothing less.” […]
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