Globalist Corporations Begin Seizing Farmland in America Under Eminent Domain to Halt Food Production in the Name of Fighting Climate Change

Globalist Corporations Begin Seizing Farmland in America Under Eminent Domain to Halt Food Production in the Name of Fighting Climate Change

If our own government isn’t jacking up inflation with lousy fiscal and economic policies as well as out-of-control spending, leave it to billionaire global corporatists — with the full backing of the Biden regime –to set us up for major food production shortages over the hoax of ‘human-caused climate change.’

Read more articles by JD at Natural News.

As reported by Humans Are Free, the ‘climate change’ hoaxers are having an effect on the world’s youth, and that will lead to more control over the world’s population, including Americans, if left to continue along the same trajectory. Consider:

— The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s most recent report was met with a great deal of alarm.

— Citing the report, the BBC claimed that it represented “code red for humanity.”

— The New York Times chimed in, claiming (without context), “A Hotter Future Is Certain” (and it might be, but that doesn’t mean humans are causing it).

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— A headline from the far-left Guardian claimed that major climate changes were “inevitable” and “irreversible” (both true — but again, without context, these predictions can be spun to mean anything).

— Both UK publications, the BBC and The Guardian, cheered the fact that their constant fear-mongering over ‘climate change’ is leading to a massive population decline: 4 in 10 young people are now almost uncontrollably concerned that climate change will destroy the planet in their lifetime.

“According to the survey, nearly half of 16-25-year-olds around the world are hesitant to have children as a result of what they believe is a climate crisis and feel that governments are doing too little to prevent it,” Humans Are Free reported.

Now, what can governments and globalists do with a petrified population?

Control them. And that’s where the threat to our food supplies (and liberties) comes in.

In October, Whitney Webb of Unlimited Hangout reported on one of these plans involving an organization called the Intrinsic Exchange Group, or IEG, which has pledged to save humanity from this alleged catastrophe of climate. According to the organization, with the aid of billionaires, multinational corporations, investors — and, of course, the UN — the org will save our planet from climate extinction.

Webb noted:

In September, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) announced it had developed a new asset class and listing vehicle aimed at “preserving and restoring the natural assets that ultimately underlie the ability for there to be life on Earth.” The vehicle, known as a natural asset company, or NAC, will enable the formation of specialized firms “that own the rights to the ecosystem services produced on a certain piece of land, such as carbon sequestration or clean water.” The natural assets that these NACs commodify will subsequently be maintained, managed, and grown by them.

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‘Maintained, managed, and grown’ — to suit the UN’s nonsensical definition of “sustainable,” of course. And since this globalist Marxist organization has always pushed for fewer people on the planet rather than more, because fewer are ‘more sustainable,’ then you can surely guess what this kind of ‘land and food production management’ will look like: Less is more.

And in case you may have thought that this is all just talk, Webb notes that the purchase of land for the stated purpose has already begun in the United States.

Summit Carbon Solutions is working to obtain land in the bread belt, so to speak — northern Iowa — for the proposed Midwest Carbon Express pipeline.

The company, “an offshoot of Summit Agriculture Group, is behind the $4.5 billion Midwest Carbon Express project,” Humans Are Free noted. “It would be the largest carbon capture project in the world with the goal of sending 12 million tons of CO2 annually to western North Dakota, where it can be stored underground.

“Landowners expressed concerns regarding Summit Carbon’s use of eminent domain, which allows the company to build the pipeline on land without consent from the landowner,” the outlet continued, explaining: “Eminent domain is when a government body can acquire private property for public use, with compensation for affected landowners.”

In short, these ‘carbon’ corporations are going to be using this constitutional method (noted in the Fifth Amendment) to control how much food is grown, what kind and how it can be used, and for whom.

“While shady deals like these have been happening in the US for decades, these new corporations — soon to be traded on the stock market casino — aren’t going to be largely focused on land looted in the US,” Humans Are Free reported, adding:

Allegedly, NACs will use the funds from these newly obtained and monetized natural assets to help fight climate change by ‘preserving’ the rain forests, mountains, and lakes mostly abroad. They also vow to change the “conventional agricultural production practices” of farms to make them more efficient and sustainable.

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But, the creators of NACs concede the ultimate goal is to extract trillions in profits from natural processes such as photosynthesis, apply intrinsic values to natural processes, and then monetize it.

Trillions in ‘carbon capture’ are about to be made by these ‘environmental’ corporations, and at the expense of our food production land.

Read more stories like this at

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Photo by Árpád Czapp on Unsplash.

  1. Why don’t they take all their money and install solar panels..etc… on every house so we don’t need to burn fossil fuels, they should be building NUKE plants everywhere….they have no desire to fix/save anything, but to rule everything and everyone

  2. Ah, so that is where the $B from the infrastructure and Covid bills are allocated plus the promise from a future BBB and Climate Change bills.

  3. According to the United States Department of Agriculture’s 2017 Census of Agriculture released in April 2019, U.S. farmland accounts for 900.2 million acres, or about 40 percent of all U.S. land. That’s a lot of land for anyone to buy. Bill Gates owns 300,000 acres, is largest landowner in the US by far, but that’s only 0.00033 percent of all farmland. I am not sure we have to worry about Bill buying all the land. He’s a freaking nutcase and we more to worry about with his other plans, like “vaccinating” everyone with killer drugs. He has already said vaccines would control people in various ways to his benefit. He is buying the land as an investment, not to starve the people. Although he probably would if he could.

  4. According to the United States Department of Agriculture’s 2017 Census of Agriculture released in April 2019, U.S. farmland accounts for 900.2 million acres, or about 40 percent of all U.S. land. That’s a lot of land for anyone to buy. Bill Gates owns 300,000 acres, is largest landowner in the US by far, but that’s only 0.00033 percent of all farmland. I am not sure we have to worry about Bill buying all the land.

  5. Do you remember that in the late 90’s the ;liberal dem bloodsucking parasitical ticks were talking about 2000 being so cold that there would be insufficient food and people would be starving to death.
    Patience with you approaches zero.
    Your tries take you , daily, closer to the 2nd American Civil War, very well when this one is over, it will be merciless and we will leave none of you to restart them

  6. The people who are in control of seizing land are obviously not “socialists” or “communists.” Haven’t any of you seen The Capitalist Conspiracy? The would-be globalist masters use “capitalism” versus “communism” as a spectacle to mislead the masses. We can’t call them “fascists” because they are not nationalistic. Their only loyalty is to themselves. They collaborate with fellow billionaires. Of course at the top of the pyramid there are the oldest and most wealthy families, notably Rothschild and Morgan. The well known billionaires are peanuts compared to the multi trillionaires. Stop being duped by the fake CNN/MSNBC versus Fox hacks. Stop being duped the fake Republicans versus Democrats. There is only one party and one network, which shows two fake opposing factions to divert us from focusing our intention on the real overlords. OK, now you can go back to sleep and wallow in your illusions, if it makes you happy. Or you can wake up. Awareness is half the battle.

    1. Sssshhhh Karl. Don’t tell them the truth
      If they really knew the truth, they would be so scared, they couldn’t sleep at night. Even this site plays the game; Redwave- blue wave, etc. etc.

  7. Eminent domain in the USA sometimes mean the wealthy force ordinary people off their land and out of their homes, so they can develop the land for their own personal interest. Both so-called parties do it. This has nothing to do with public interest, unless you define public interest as what’s good for the billionaires.

  8. Just one more comment. The corporate media, the so-called woke or progressive factions, the BLM and Antifa, the big tech, and of course the fake political parties, have the same agenda and the same masters. Keep the people at all costs from identifying the real enemy, namely the plutocrats who own just about everything and want to own it all. If the day ever comes when the sheep finally wake up and realize how duped they have been, then with or without second amendment rights, can you imagine what it would look life if several million people showed up in Washington DC one day for a protest march. Of course FBI operatives would stir up violence just like on Jan 6. But perhaps the next time, they won’t be able to control it so easily. Play with fire, get burned. If all this is too much for you, please do not relieve your stress by overdosing on fentanyl, courtesy of the Chicom enemy, and their operatives in Washington DC. Please do not get yet another fake jab. Do something constructive. Not something stupid, like the Jan 6 victims who allowed themselves to get caught up in the FBI directed frenzy. Be sensible. We are the 99% plus. We can win simply by waking up and following common sense. Have a safe and free 2022.

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