Here’s a hypothetical that, oh, pretty much everyone can relate to: You’ve just shut the door on a tumultuous, chaotic, messy relationship. (Doesn’t have to be a romantic relationship: Could be an intense, demanding friendship or even trauma-bonding in the workplace.) It was one of those exhausting situations where your brain, heart, and soul felt like punching bags.
But now it’s over. How do you feel? Your answer, of course, is time-dependent.
The first 50 to 100 days post-breakup are kind of a blur. Your emotions are all over the place. Sure, you’re experiencing a palpable sense of relief — like a giant weight has been lifted from your shoulders — but you still might find moments of regret. Despite yourself, you may even catch yourself defending your ex to others!
Love and loyalty are powerful emotions. Once earned, they don’t just turn off. There’s usually a lag between the verdict of your brain and the release of your heart. But once you hit the 100-day mark, your equilibrium (mostly) returns. At this point, enough distance has passed; you can now recognize the old relationship for what it was.
And for what it wasn’t. […]
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What Would You Do If Pharmacies Couldn’t Provide You With Crucial Medications or Antibiotics?
The medication supply chain from China and India is more fragile than ever since Covid. The US is not equipped to handle our pharmaceutical needs. We’ve already seen shortages with antibiotics and other medications in recent months and pharmaceutical challenges are becoming more frequent today.
Our partners at Jase Medical offer a simple solution for Americans to be prepared in case things go south. Their “Jase Case” gives Americans emergency antibiotics they can store away while their “Jase Daily” offers a wide array of prescription drugs to treat the ailments most common to Americans.
They do this through a process that embraces medical freedom. Their secure online form allows board-certified physicians to prescribe the needed drugs. They are then delivered directly to the customer from their pharmacy network. The physicians are available to answer treatment related questions.