Justice Samuel Alito was “shocked” by the ruling from the Supreme Court that forces the federal government to pay out billions of dollars in “aid” through USAID to foreign interests. Many Americans echo Justice Alito’s sentiment.
All three of the leftist justices joined the ruling. Chief Justice John Roberts was a question mark but answered the question in the ruling by joining it. Justice Amy Coney Barrett was the “surprise” for many of us because she sided against the will of the American people and more importantly against the Constitution.
Is she compromised? It’s a question that I ask with all earnestness because I just don’t know. I posed the question on X shortly after the ruling, “Did someone get to Amy Coney Barrett or is she just stupid?”
Replies were split. About half said she is compromised with the other half saying she’s stupid. A few said she’s both. Nobody came to her defense for the indefensible ruling.
On today’s episode of The JD Rucker Show, I asked the question of the audience there. It’s an important question and I simply don’t know the answer.
What Would You Do If Pharmacies Couldn’t Provide You With Crucial Medications or Antibiotics?
The medication supply chain from China and India is more fragile than ever since Covid. The US is not equipped to handle our pharmaceutical needs. We’ve already seen shortages with antibiotics and other medications in recent months and pharmaceutical challenges are becoming more frequent today.
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