Remember previous Orwellian rebrands of… Terrorism as ‘man-caused disasters’… Criminals as ‘justice-involved persons’ and… Women as ‘chestfeeders’.
The woke language brigade is at it again.
After renaming ‘bums’ as the ‘homeless’, they tried rebranding ‘homeless’ as ‘unhoused’ (which is just the same thing with an even bigger emphasis on the housing, as if that were the issue, rather than the drugs, alcohol and mental illness) and now it’s not ‘homelessness’, it’s ‘urban camping’.
Surely changing the term will help.
I had seen the use of ‘urban camping’ locally in social services and legal documents, but the media is trying to get its latest Newspeak term go national. […]
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What Would You Do If Pharmacies Couldn’t Provide You With Crucial Medications or Antibiotics?
The medication supply chain from China and India is more fragile than ever since Covid. The US is not equipped to handle our pharmaceutical needs. We’ve already seen shortages with antibiotics and other medications in recent months and pharmaceutical challenges are becoming more frequent today.
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