The White House on Thursday rebuked an inflammatory comment by Democratic Virginia Rep. Eugene Vindman as a “stupid, moronic statement.”
Vindman told MSNBC on Thursday that he was “hard-pressed to think of a worse 45 days” in American history than the first six weeks of President Donald Trump’s second presidential administration.
The White House attempted to discredit the statement by highlighting the Trump accomplishments since taking office Jan. 20, including a crack down on illegal immigration and banning males from competing in female sports events.
“What a stupid, moronic statement,” the White House said in a press release. “According to Vindman, there is nothing ‘worse’ than record low illegal border crossings, getting killers and rapists off the streets, freeing American hostages, protecting women and girls, securing ‘$3 trillion in investments and trade commitments,’ saving taxpayers billions of dollars in wasteful spending, pursuing world peace, and capturing terrorists.
“Vindman has a terminal case of Trump Derangement Syndrome — and it shows,” the statement also reads. […]
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