Millions of Americans have been convinced by “experts” that “gender affirming care” for people with gender dysphoria helps prevent suicide and leads to “trans joy.”
It is and always was a lie. In Europe, there have been a number of reviews of the evidence and even the most “trans-affirming” countries have done an about face, and even expressed horror at the damage done to children in the name of “care.”
The “Dutch protocol” is dead, the Nordic countries have recoiled from these barbaric practices, and the UK–which may have been the worst offender in recent years–has done an about face on transgenderism and is looking at new ways to help hurting kids.
It didn’t take a genius to see that puberty blockers, hormones, and disfiguring surgery were not the answer to psychological distress. Surgical treatments for mental health issues have famously been faddish before. Lobotomies, anyone?
António Egas Moniz was given the Nobel Prize in Medicine for inventing the lobotomy, and the “treatment” was famously used on tens of thousands–at least–people to “cure” everything from depression to ADD or “bad behavior.” […]
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What Would You Do If Pharmacies Couldn’t Provide You With Crucial Medications or Antibiotics?
The medication supply chain from China and India is more fragile than ever since Covid. The US is not equipped to handle our pharmaceutical needs. We’ve already seen shortages with antibiotics and other medications in recent months and pharmaceutical challenges are becoming more frequent today.
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