Major Pharmacy Accused of Firing Nurse Over Her Faith in God


A charge of discrimination has been leveled against CVS Pharmacy on behalf of a nurse practitioner who for years had been granted a religious accommodation so she did not have to prescribe contraceptives, which are considered abortion pills, but was refused and fired when she asked it to continue.

Read more by Bob at WND News Center.

The fight is being brought on behalf of Robyn Strader before the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission by First Liberty Institute.

CVS fired her when she asked to continue a religious accommodation that she had had for the previous six years, First Liberty reported.

“The corporate canceling of faithful religious Americans like Robyn must end,” explained Christine Pratt, counsel for First Liberty Institute. “CVS accommodated Robyn for more than six years without any problems. It’s bad medicine to force religious health care professionals to choose between their faith and their job, especially at a time when we need as many health care professionals as we can get.”

Strader was a nurse practitioner at the CVS store in Keller, Texas, and on the few occasions when she was confronted with a demand for contraceptives, she referred the customer to another nurse practitioner at her location.

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But last August the company change its position, insisting it no longer would honor religious accommodations related to pregnancy prevention services.

She was fired in October.

The complaint states, “CVS discriminated against Ms. Strader on the basis of religion when it prospectively preempted all requests for religious accommodations related to contraception prescription, derided her religious beliefs and pressured her to abandon them, discontinued a six-year religious accommodation without cause, refused to consider her request for an ongoing religious accommodation, failed to engage with her about possible accommodations, and terminated her because of her religious beliefs.”

Those actions, the document explains, put CVS in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.

The complaint points out Strader is more than qualified, having taught science at high school and pro-professional levels, holding a PhD in health education from the University of Toledo Medical Center, a doctor of chiropractic from Parker University, a masters in nursing and education from Texas Woman’s University, and an MBA from the same school.

Image by Ron Cogswell via Flickr, CC BY 2.0.

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  2. Wow she is one smart lady! Why fire someone of that high calibre? Brilliant mind! Brilliant Christian Heart! Silly idiotic buffonery from cvs! What a talented woman! Would love to have her advise me concerning her field!

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