New York Times Says Women Have Abortions to be a “Better Parent” to Their Kids

New York Times Says Women Have Abortions to be a “Better Parent” to Their Kids

Protecting children from harm is an essential element of good parenting.

But when abortion activists convince society that babies in the womb are not really children at all and abortion isn’t violence, claims like “women have abortions so they can be a better parent” start to sound reasonable, and people begin to think the abhorrent is something good.

The New York Times ran an article with that pro-abortion claim this week in response to the U.S. Supreme Court considering Mississppi’s request to overturn Roe v. Wade and allow states to protect unborn babies from abortion again.

1 comment
  1. So you think we’re screwed. Ok, that’s you. I plan on fighting it even if it advances right to my front door. I prefer to die fighting than on my knees, thanks. I wont be crossing the plane to the next place alone either, I’ll be taking bus loads of attacking fascist nazi pigs with me if I go.

    As they say…”you do you”, I’m not going to accept it.

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