Perceptions of Racism and Tales of Oppression: Storytelling as a Tenet of CRT

Perceptions of Racism and Tales of Oppression: Storytelling as a Tenet of CRT

Millions of Americans are living with a misguided sense of resentment, a desire to see the country crash and burn because of what the public schools are teaching. America is a nation founded on slavery and racism, and its institutions are designed to perpetuate white supremacy. They are carrying the perception that everyone is racist, and they are living in a country that systematically discriminates against them. If an individual were to tell a psychotherapist the world was out to get him, he would be diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic. Yet, this is the narrative that influences the worldview of up-and-coming generations of Americans. It is a distorted version of reality infecting the minds of students from kindergarten to post-graduate school. Does it reflect reality, or is it all a socially constructed perception designed to keep racial animosity alive? The pushers of Critical Race Theory like to tell us that race is a construct, yet through the CRT lens, they insist we see everything through their race-based perspectives. They are the ones keeping the perceptions of racism alive.

Perceptions can largely be formed by the language we use in our everyday lives. We see the world through the meanings of the words we use. The way the world is presented to us through mass media and education can also influence our perceptions. The book, Media Effects: Advances in Theory and Research, states that the media narratives play a major role in shaping our perceptions of what should be considered important issues of the day. Educational doctrines which push a particular lesson would do the same. It is a simple concept; people tend to see their reality through the lens of whichever worldview they cling to, or whatever information they are being fed. Perceptions, however, do not necessarily reflect the true state of the world. According to Psychology Today, our perceptions have a “potent influence” on the way we view reality.

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