Will RINOs Hijack The Coming Red Wave?


Real America is daily growing more excited and optimistic at the prospect of a massive electoral “Red Wave” sweeping the Nation this November. Americans have not forgotten the stolen presidential election of 2020, and are reminded of its consequences by the burgeoning disasters that have befallen every aspect of life in this country ever since. In the face of the current fear and despair, it is fully understandable to hope for something better from the GOP, were it to be restored to dominance in the Congress in this year’s elections.

Unfortunately, despite the possibility of brooming the Democrats, another gaping pitfall remains. It needs to be addressed on a sweeping scale by real Conservatives across our land. Otherwise, we may just be repeating several ballot box triumphs of recent years, which were quickly (and predictably) followed by letdowns and total betrayal.

If America gives Democrats the well-deserved seismic “boot” from power this fall, it won’t be the first time in recent decades that they have done so. A “Red Wave” hit the DC Swamp in 1994, when a convergence of forces, from the ascendancy of Rush Limbaugh and the Christian Coalition as rallying voices on the right, to the inescapable evidence of the moral and spiritual disaster of the 1992 Clinton White House, set the stage for Newt Gingrich’s “Contract With America,” resulting in the greatest change from blue to red House seats in America’s history.

Yet what was hoped to be the onset of a new day of reigned-in government and restoration of Constitutional principles in its operation, soon degenerated into the insipid mire of “politics as usual.” Promises to end expensive and culturally debasing entitlement programs evaporated in the face of Democrat and media contrived “public outrage.” In the end, the effort dwindled to replacing leftist Democrat socialism with “block grants,” through which states might ostensibly implement more efficient socialism by keeping it local.

In 2000, with the election of George Bush Jr., Republicans held both chambers of the Legislative Branch, along with the White House. Certainly with such a mandate, Conservatives could finally shut down the leftist juggernaut that was bankrupting the country by increasing the havoc of dependency among the Nation’s most vulnerable. Instead, Bush opted for his vaunted “New Tone,” platitude, “reaching across the aisle” to keep Democrats and their policies in place.

With the 2010 “Red Wave,” John Boehner of Ohio became Speaker of the House, as Republicans retook that Chamber from Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats, who had gained the majority in 2006. Immediately, Boehner backpedaled, offering as his lame excuse for selling out that Republicans held “Only one half of one third of the government.”

Chuck Norris

That would all of course change in 2012 when the Senate also went Republican, putting Mitch McConnell in driver’s seat as Senate Majority Leader. Yet again, the Congressional “leaders” focused on maintaining the D.C. status quo, by which they could enjoy the perks of majority party high office, while avoiding any action that might result in criticism from the leftist Democrats and their Fake News lackeys. Among the most shocking betrayals of America from Boehner and McConnell was their vow never to impeach Obama, despite his vast web of corruption and many abuses of power that easily exceeded any standard of “high crimes.” Was it for just more of the same that America had rallied to Republicans in two major election cycles?

By 2016, Americans were ready to see their Nation restored to the hands of a pro-America President who showed real signs of fighting for Americans. So with the election of Donald Trump, expectations were high that the GOP would unite and commit to driving back the vile forces of the left. But although President Trump was true to his word, and did his utmost to actually fulfill the campaign promises he made to America, Congressional and Senate RINOs, led by then Speaker Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell, worked harder than they ever had against the Democrats to totally thwart the President. It was no wonder that, in the midterms of 2018, disillusionment with the GOP was sufficient to put the Democrats back in control on Capitol Hill.

So with Joe Biden installed as the sock-puppet “president” by the leftist cabal that reversed the 2020 election in its treasonous coup, America is once again reaping the havoc of leftist policy, with every measurable quality of life dynamic horrendously shattered in barely a year and a half. In the wake of this catastrophe, talk of the glorious “November Red Wave” returns.

It is conceivable that in this year’s elections, both Houses could turn red. In a perfect world, that would mean the time is right for investigations of leftist corruption, along with an immediate and total reversal of the policy abominations of the Biden Cabal.    And those would just be starters. Sadly, recent history forewarns of an abysmal alternative.

Across America, RINOs dominate the primaries again. Consequently voters are once more facing the likely choice of either the insipid RINO “Establishment” traitor, or the Democrat, come November. Wyoming’s Liz Cheney, the most reviled RINO turncoat in the entire Nation, is set to be replaced by Harriet Hageman, chosen in the same manner by the Cowboy State’s GOP “Establishment” as Cheney originally was. In fact, the two were extremely “tight” prior to Hageman being recruited to run for Congress.

California RINO Kevin McCarthy, poised to be “Speaker” of the House, more on the basis of “seniority” than from any real connection with Red America, is latest in the succession from John Boehner and RINO Paul Ryan. Perhaps, under McCarthy’s “leadership,” Ukraine would receive $39 billion, instead of the current $40 billion headed over there for who knows what? And no doubt he would glory in how, under his watch, those monies are better “earmarked” than by the Democrats.

Would a Congress of such people actually change course? Real justice would demand that the January 6 witch hunt of the leftist Democrats be immediately shut down, and investigations of their actual corruption and treachery be commenced and vigorously pursued. Or would the GOP Elites deem such actions as “too partisan” and let the Democrat cancer remain in place, where it will metastasize once again, the moment it seizes the majority?

Make no mistake! The National Republican Party continues to play by the rules dictated to it by the leftist Democrats. And that is fully intentional. It is definitely not the road to making America great again! But they expect it to be enough for RINOs to achieve their real goal, which is to maintain “business as usual.” We have only the primaries by which to change this detestable course on which we once again find ourselves.

Freedom First Beef


Christopher G. Adamo is a lifelong conservative from the American Heartland. He has been involved in grassroots and state-level politics for many years, seeking to restore and uphold the Judeo-Christian principles on which our Nation was founded. His book, “Rules for Defeating Radicals,” is the “Go To” guide for effectively confronting and overcoming the dirty tricks of the political left. It is available at Amazon.

  1. Yeah we haven’t forgotten the 2020 stolen Presidential election—we just didn’t have the balls to do anything about it then and have only gotten more cowardly since.

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  2. RINOS ruin everything
    It would be one thing to have to deal with just the Democrats, but this is a tag tram of evil and deceit.

  3. Remember President Trumps favorite poem: The Snake. The RINOS are the snakes hiding in the pack pocket of the GOP; they feed off of the donations WeThePeople make in support of the GOP, then they bite us in the butt. I have more respect for the enemy that publicly stands against me, than the RINO snakes that attack from behind, and in darkness. If somehow WeThePeople prevail in our battles with the Socialists/Marxists in the coming election cycles – we MUST get rid of all RINOS.

    1. For most of my life, I have always hated and despised these ‘RINOs’ and have been baffled as to why it
      seems to be so difficult to purge them from the Republican party. I do realize that the big donors prefer to
      funnel their money at the RINOs instead of at America First, rock solid conservatives – because no matter how
      much destruction these RINOs help the Democrats foist upon America, the Big donors like to maintain status quo,
      because they still benefit, regardless of how much misery is being inflicted on the voting base of the GOP.

      Over the last several years, though, I have begun to realize that there is another reason why these RINO rats are so hard to boot out of office. There are voters inside the GOP base who are RINO’s themselves. They vote for these RINOs because they are actually fence straddling, wimpy,virtue signalling. indecisive moderates who are terrified of losing their invitations to backyard barbecues or cocktail parties hosted by their liberal friends.

      Combine these RINO voters with GOP voters who are too politically stupid to even know what makes a RINO a RINO and who robotically vote for anyone who has an ‘R’ next to their name on a ballot, and that is why we have such a difficult time booting these RINOs out of the GOP.

  4. You can be sure that the RINO turn coats will try to snatch defeat from victory, like they do continually. The Republican leadership are deep state and will not act to support the American people. McCarthy should not be speaker of the house, and Mitch the bitch should be voted out as leader of the Senate. Both are as worthless as pockets in my underwear.

  5. Ask where the millions of dollars collected by the RNC for voting integrity measures went. Did not go to voter integrity measures.

  6. Quick Liberty Score (Conservative Review) count and the numbers are: 123 RINOs (Liberty Score of D & F) in both chambers vs. 143 (Liberty Score of C,B,A or no score). So, this is a mountain to climb.

  7. A significant shot across the bow would be to have conservatives send money and support to Kevin McCarthy’s Democrat congressional opponent. Conservatives need to see to it that Kevin doesn’t get reelected.

    Not only would that take him out of the running for Speaker of the House, but it would be a warning to the others that we conservatives mean business. We must make the Rinos afraid of us. If indeed the “Red Wave tm” is as big as it is forecast to be, we can more than afford to lose his seat to the Democrats.

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